HTML5 video accessibility and the WebVTT file format – Audio Described

An introduction into the WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) file format and how it is used to provide captions, subtitles and text video descriptions for HTML5 video. WebVTT is a simple line-based file format, which is currently in development at the WHATWG and under consideration for native implementation in the major browsers using the HTML5 element. The slides from this talk are available: This is the audio described version. For the original, see

Google I/O 2011: The YouTube Caption API, Speech Recognition, and WebVTT captions for HTML5

Naomi Black, Cynthia Boedihardjo, Jeffrey Posnick Captions make video accessible and more importantly: discoverable to search. Learn how we’re live captioning Google I/O with a new open source gadget, discover caption features in the YouTube Data API based on speech recognition, and find out more about WebVTT, a new format to help broadcast TV subtitling make the leap to HTML5 and the Web.

Captioning test with Bruce Lawson’s HTML5 != CSS3 rant

This is a reposting of Bruce Lawson’s “HTML5 != CSS3” video, but with captions. Bruce graciously gave me a copy of the video to use as for a demo of how to caption videos on YouTube. The demo is part of a presentation I am doing at a11tyldn and TCUK10. His original version is at