How to install Joomla 1.5 on Windows Server 2003 with IIS – Many more free videos, including this one can be seen at VideoTutorialZone in HIGHER RESOLUTION. Installing Joomla on a Windows server can be tricky, on Windows running IIS even more so. Installing Joomla 1.5 in this scenario has caused many frustrations. In this video, we take the process step by step and jump over the hurdles that cause some people to wind up pulling their hair out. If you follow along closely, you will be up and running in no time, and if you haven’t already tried to do this, you will wonder why people find it so difficult. There are some prerequisites to the steps in this video. First you should follow our Installing PHP and Installing MySQL videos at Even if you have these installed, it will help you as you watch this video as you will know the basic configuration of our initial PHP and MySQL setups. http

web site by WordPress: SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way to design and run your website so you become more popular in search engines. Search engines are the main driver of traffic to your website so anyone that doesn’t take them into consideration will not do well. WordPress SEO options Posts Posts Underneath the post title, look at permalinks. Look at the poor settings for Permalinks by default. Also use tags. Posts post tags Learn where to make post tags without attached posts. Media Library If you are going to use images. Use text as well. Whether it be Alt text or image captions. Also name the picture for what it is. If it is a picture of a whale, name it whale.jpg. Pages Pages Go to a page and notice the permalinks there. There are no tags! Appearance Widgets Show off the tag cloud. Not required, but not exactly rotten either. I like to add a random post generator. Plugins plugins enable and use Akismet Settings general Adjust the site title and the tag line. Also check your email address. It will email you whenver someone posts a comment. Settings writing use the pingomatic settings reading Do you want your latest post or a static page? discussion Allow comments. Never underestimate the power of others generating content for you for free. It’ll also give you instant feedback on how to improve your website or maybe take it in a better direction. privacy make your site visible permalinks Change your tag structure here. If you’ve made a website already, you’ll need to go change your