WordPress Social Bookmarking (addthis) Plugin Plus Analytics

mariosotojr.com WordPress has a bunch of Social Bookmarking Plugins there are two I use all the time Addthis is one of them. The reason I use addthis is mainly because they have great analytics invloved with the plugin itself. You Can track what your visitors are doing when they share your site and how they share your site. Addthis site also has great metrics that you can use to figure out what is the best buttons to use for the demographic you are going after. You can also compare different countries to see what each country is using the most. This is invaluable tool in my opinion. Resources mentioned in the video http www.addthis.com qrf.in www.addthis.com sexybookmarks.shareaholic.com

Google I/O 2010 – GWT Linkers target HTML5 WebWorkers & more

Google I/O 2010 – GWT Linkers target HTML5 Web Workers, Chrome Extensions, and more GWT 301 Matt Mastracci At its core GWT has a well-defined and customizable mechanism — called Linkers — that controls exactly how GWT’s compiled JavaScript should be packaged, served, and run. This session will describe how to create linkers and explains some of the linkers we’ve created, including a linker that turns a GWT module into an HTML5 Web Worker and one that generates an HTML App Cache manifest automatically. For all I/O 2010 sessions, please go to code.google.com