WordPress Social Bookmarking (addthis) Plugin Plus Analytics

mariosotojr.com WordPress has a bunch of Social Bookmarking Plugins there are two I use all the time Addthis is one of them. The reason I use addthis is mainly because they have great analytics invloved with the plugin itself. You Can track what your visitors are doing when they share your site and how they share your site. Addthis site also has great metrics that you can use to figure out what is the best buttons to use for the demographic you are going after. You can also compare different countries to see what each country is using the most. This is invaluable tool in my opinion. Resources mentioned in the video http www.addthis.com qrf.in www.addthis.com sexybookmarks.shareaholic.com

internet marketing search engine optimization seo linkedin

www.kozwealthsystems.com – koz khosravani discusses internet marketing campaigns with search engine optimization, seo, and social media twitter, linkedin, ecademy, youtube, facebook, blogger blogging word press as well as in these video series the use of affiliate marketing, email list building, video promotion and web 2.0 integration.