★Pokki: Awesome HTML5 Applications For Your Desktop★

Pokki: In this video I show you a short look at the new Pokki application that adds an app store experience to your desktop. Currently this is only for Windows 7 (32 & 64). The developers have mentioned they are working on XP & Vista. See: support.pokki.com This just started off so there aren’t too many apps but give it time and there will be alot more. Website: www.pokki.com Twitter: twitter.com If I help out and you like my videos, Feel free to like and subscribe. Cheers. Track: Nostalgia & Halo Nova – Code Name Polar Bear. Pokki beta for Windows 7 look and review.

Hardware accelerated HTML5 Web browser comparison (Opera, IE9, Firefox 4 and Chrome)

Opera now has hardware acceleration! We pit it against other Web browsers, including Firefox 4, IE9 and Chrome 10, all of which also have hardware acceleration. Opera does surprisingly well… More at: downloadsquad.switched.com If you want to try the FishIE test yourself: ie.microsoft.com (There’s some odd flickering in the second half of the video. Fraps is throwing in a few frames from my second display, for some reason. We hope it doesn’t cause any seizures.)