‘Mobile Solutions’ free Joomla 1.5 template (Video Tutorial)

To download ‘Mobile Solutions’ Joomla template visit www.themza.com The basic features of ‘Mobile Solutions’ are: I. 3-column Support left/right columns + template body; II. Various banner options – Nokia, iPhone, BlackBerry (through a parameter); III. 3 color schemes blue (default), red and green; IV. Two pre-defined sections (USER 1 and USER 2) for posting Latest News, Archive, Polls, etc.; V. Default TOP area, containing by default the Newsflash1 module (replaceable by a custom module); VI. IE6 PNG fix VII. Display date ON/OFF VIII. Many other useful options

Change Joomla Footer Text

www.youtube.com How to change Joomla Footer Text. In earlier versions of Joomla, changing the standard footer text was confusing at best, or painfully difficult at worst for new Joomla users. It has since improved greatly, but it is still not straightforward. The Joomla developers have chosen to build a special module for the footer. This allows them to display the default footer text in multiple languages automatically. While this is nice from a developer’s point of view, it doesn’t work well for people that are building a site in just one language. The complexity of supporting multiple languages has made it more complex to change for average Joomla users. There are two major ways to change this text, and we will cover both of them now.

Jumi For Joomla Custom Modules, Components and Content Sections Using Javascript DHTML and more

This tutorial uses Jumi: Jumi is the set of custom code extensions for Joomla! 1.0.x and 1.5.x in their native modes. Since 2006 more then 200.000 downloads. With Jumi *you can include php, html, javascript scripts into the modules position, articles, category or section descriptions, or into your own custom made component pages, *you can even include static html or txt pages into your pages without using wrapper component, *you have full access to Joomla! variables, functions, constants, etc. in your php scripts. Jumi is ideal solution for *including banners or text ads into your Joomla! site: no matter if your own or affiliates ones, *easy and fast inclusion of smart javascript, php, html and dhtml scripts into your Joomla! content, *fast development of not only small and simple customized modules and plugin solutions based on php, javascript and html or dhtml scripts like flash shows, ads and picture presentations, forms inclusion, etc. but for the development of more sophisticated solutions including database data processing. With this tutorial you can do a lot of amazing things with Joomla.