Fifa 12 Ultimate Team – How To Make Coins With Trade Offers

So this is one of the tricks I use a lot and it can make you a lot of coins if you get lucky, first you have to buy some players that look as if they would sell for more. Once you have brought them offer them as a trade for a card with around a minute left as then the person can’t check their prices and may think they are worth more. If he rejects the offer move onto the next card and so on.

Fifa 12 Ultimate team ~ How to make coins

Here are some of my tips for ultimate team Don’t discard silver players as they may go for more than you think, many silver players will sell for over 10000 coins if lucky. Let’s take some Brazilian silvers for an example (ones that I show in the video), they can sell for 20000 coins and sometimes more. A lot of people look to buy silver players because they make silver teams and want the best silver players in the game. Price Fixing — This doesn’t always work but it does work every now and then, to do this you buy a load of one player then raise the price and hopefully people will buy your cards once you put them up for sale and if they do you can make a massive profit. This has never worked for me but I have seen it work for others. Buy Gold and Silver Shiny Development cards — Contract cards can sell for a lot sometimes so if you buy them for under their value you can sell them for more, for an example on one day they may be selling for 750 coins, and you see some up for 300 buy now, buy them straight away and sell them for 750 but always check each day how much they are selling for as there price changes a lot. This is the same for all development cards and works best with squad fitness cards but always check their prices at the start of the day as they change a lot. Buy Gold Players cheap — Buy Gold player for 300 coins as long as there overall is 76+ then you can discard them and make a small profit or try and sell them for more. 59th Minute Technique — When

Forza 3 My car compilation

Yep finally got some forza 3 stuff done some cars based on my previous midnight club car’s and this will be the final video of anything that has to do with xbox 360 due to my 3rd one getting the RROD and yes its a jasper lol! Anyways enjoy these designs they are available at my online store front in game… Gamertag: A Aussie drunk PSN: Aussie_Drunk