New HTML5 Form Features

In this screencast, we’ll take a quick look at a few new HTML5 features: the placeholder and autofocus tools, as well as the email and URL input types. We’ll also explore how you can use these nifty new tools in your desktop and mobile websites. tutorial | Joomla! 1.7: Programming and Packaging Extensions—Choosing coding tools

Watch the entire course at In Joomla! 1.7: Programming and Packaging Extensions, author Joseph LeBlanc bridges the gap between site administration and customization by developing Joomla! components, plug-ins, modules, and other extensions. The course shows how to configure various development tools, create and display modules, and receive, process, and display data following the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. The course also covers making human-readable URLS, incorporating JavaScript , translating the user interface, and managing site security.