Verify Your WordPress Website in Google Webmaster Tools – Video – There are two ways to verify your WordPress Website in Google Webmaster Tools – 1) File Upload and 2) Meta Tag. I’ll show you how to do both in this video. Once your site is verified in Webmaster Tools you can submit an XML Sitemap, find crawl errors, duplicate content issues, and host of other diagnostics to make sure Google can crawl your WordPress Website effectively. Note: Now you can even verify your site with Google Webmaster tools using Google Analytics!

Video: How To Install WordPress in Five Minutes or Less – WordPress is a powerful tool not only for blogs but for managing small business websites too. This video walks you through how to do this in less than five minutes. Its a very straightforward and easy way to get the power of WordPress behind your web site. BlueHost is the hosting provider I’m using, and this will still apply to any hosting provider that offers cPanel and Fantastico.